"and whatever you spend, Allah will replace it; and He is the best of the providers." Qur'an (34:39)
They give food to the poor, the orphan, the captive, though they love it themselves, saying, We fed for the sake of God alone: We seek neither recompense nor thanks from you. (76:8-9)
There are many people struggling to meet basic necessities here in the UK. With a simple donation you make, together we can have a hand in bringing relief to those in our communities and all around the UK who don't have enough to survive.
This campaign will also be open to accept Zakat; the categories of people that meet the eligibility criteria. We will spread Zakat across as many categories as possible.
The following are the categories of people we will give your Zakat to (once they meet the Rafah International Eligibility criteria drawn up by Muslim scholars):
-) The poor and needy who have nothing or are struggling to survive. This will include the homeless.
-) Refugees and asylum seekers will be given Zakat.
-) People in debt who are in need of basic necessities (this will not include luxury debts such as mortgages nor will zakat be given to help pay off student loans)
-) Student Scholarships - to help students of knowledge who have no support or source of income to help pay their courses, fees, travel costs and accommodation.
Rafah International is firmly committed to a 100% donation policy. No donation is too small and every little counts.